Sunday, May 29, 2011

Cherie Hellenbrand Wk 4 Publishing_Leadership Project

Over the last year I have researched, the impact an e-portfolio can have on high school students. The goal is for students to create an individualized learning plan where they can find value and relevance from their education and have the ability to showcase their accomplishments.  There were several stages along my yearlong journey. 
             To begin, I conducted research to understand the benefits for the students who developing an e-portfolio. The second stage determined what software would be used to host the students’ e-portfolios. The third step was to test the e-portfolio with students. 
            Now that my AR project is coming to an end, I will be sharing my results by presenting.  Initially I wanted to have another year of actual implementation, but I believe the project has a solid foundation that I can share and others could build upon.  I will be submitting my project for presenting at the TIES conference in Minnesota.  The TIES conference has over 2,000 people attend each year.  They have several sessions covering a wide range of topics for preparing students for a technology driven future.   

I will also submit to present at the Illinois conference for 2012.  The application deadline has already passed for this year.  I will try to attend the conference in November to be prepared to possibly present the following year.

Cherie Hellenbrand Response to Anna Dooley-Wk4 reading

MAC - Week 4 - Reading

I can’t wait to have some time…someday…to read this book again, slowly and digest all the wonderful thoughts it shares. The part this week that I really thought about was the last chapter and the WE story. Zander talks about what is best for ALL. I began thinking how this never happens anymore. The government says they do what is best for the country, but really, they do what is best for their pockets. State officials say they try to protect education, but even as I type are laying of thousands and thousands of educators due to money…we have to take pay cuts each year for 5 years, but not any superintended or state official…no, no, no, that would not be good for them. Why can’t American’s lose the evil greed monster and do what is truly best for out country, state and what is best for our children. We spread around the world trying to make the rest of the world just like us, but why? I don’t blame other countries for laughing at us and saying no way. Look how our county is in shambles due to greed. Really, why can’t WE ALL do what is best for ALL?

Cherie Hellenbrand Response to Jerri Kenndy Week 4 Reading

Week 4 - The Art of Possibility (Chapters 9-12)
What an inspirational tale!  It is almost hard to believe the events taking place within the book are true.  I have not experienced an event such as those described  that has such a profound effect on my life.  I know music is a powerful instrument in affecting people and can even help motivate people to make changes in their lives, but the force described within this chapter is truly moving to read and I would love to bear witness to such an incredible happening.

I acknowledge that I have lived my life as a game piece instead of the board.  I now realize how my accepting responsibility and blame for things in my life has been to fit my own role in the world.  Using roles allows us to blame others when things go wrong - thereby decreasing our own guilty consciences.  This will be a difficult transition to relinquish the idea of being a role player to become the framework. 

I have been fairly well practiced in seeing how my decisions lead to the undesirable result.  I think though that it ha always been in the fauly context that I have traced the path so the freeing experience has not existed for me.  I am quick to apologize for problems that are caused by the role not being effective or all encompassing to take care of the problems rather than apologizing for damaging the relationship.

I can clearly see how a true vision in many facets of my life would make a difference.  There are times when I think I have subconsciously incorporated some of the ideas from this book into my life, but it is not enough to be subconscious.  It must be conscious efforts in order to fully understand and embrace the possibilities that exist for all of us.  I am once again struck with a deep desire to meet the authors and allow their vision and energy to wash over me.

This has been a truly inspiring read!  At this point I plan to share the book with as many people as I can.  If all who read this can evoke even the smallest shred of the possible into their lives, we will all benefit enormously. 

Thank you, Professor, for sharing this with us.  I am moved by the message of possibility within the covers of the book.

Friday, May 27, 2011
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I am glad to see the book had as much meaning for you as it did for me.  I couldn’t agree more when you said, “There are times when I think I have subconsciously incorporated some of the ideas from this book in to my life, but it is not enough to be subconscious.”  I too am going to incorporate many of the philosophies into my daily life. 

Over the last year it has been awesome working with you on many group projects.  You have become a great friend and feel you possess many of the qualities from this book.  Your positive attitude and hard work ethic have made you a great team member.  You are a great teacher and provide many assets to your students and school district.
Sunday, May 29, 2011 - 01:06 PM

Cherie Hellenbrand Week 4 Reading: The Art of Possibility

Lighting a spark and the discussion of enrollments was a very meaningful chapter for me.  As we are finishing up the end of the school year, my students are getting what we refer to as senioritis.  Many of them are already accepted at a college or university and don’t see the point of putting much effort into their final weeks of school.  To overcome this I try to finish with projects that have more of a personal meaning to them. I have found this concept lights the spark within many of my students. Many of my students have been coming on their lunch hour and study halls to not just finish but to perfect the project. 

Being the board was a great concept to think about.  While I understand I don’t have control over many aspects of my life, looking at it as I am the board with the game of life being played upon me was perfect.  I like how Zander explained the difference between looking at life from the board compared to the legal sphere.  “In the legal sphere, fault and blame play an important role.”  In my life I often look at situations from the legal perspective and feel the need to place blame and determine how to fix it.  This chapter was an eye-opener for me to see how unhealthy and mentally draining it can be to think of thing in the legal sphere.  But just being the board allows all things good or bad to be on the same level. 

Chapter 11 intrigued me the most by not having a mission statement but a vision.  “In this way, a vision releases us from the weight and confusion of local problems and concerns, and allows us to see the long clear line.”  Zander continues to explain how playing is important while “winning” is not the ultimate goal.  While I still see the importance of goal setting the vision reminds me to enjoy the ride along the way as I achieve my goals. 

The final chapter of the book “Telling the We Story” is a concept that can make a person extremely vulnerable.  In my marriage, I believe this attitude is important to live by.  Because of our love for each other it is easy to let the guard down. My concern is many people will take advantage of you; if you’re too understanding.  While I think it is important to understand someone else’s perspective, their intentions could be one directional. 

Cherie Hellenbrand Week 4 Blog #4 Reflection

Reflections of Month 11
WOW it is hard to believe I have just completed month 11.  When I think back about this month I can say two words: reflecting and blogging.  I was a little skeptical about this month, was it going to be just a filler or busy work?  It actually put the last year in perspective and continued to grow my skills.  I really enjoyed reading the Art of Possibilities the book was insightful.  I also enjoyed the forms posts.  I am so happy to be apart of the “bubble group”.  We have many outstanding people in this group; I have learned so much by collaborating with them. 

Entering month 12 is such a bittersweet time.  I am happy my workload will decrease but will miss my peers.  I will also miss the intellectual challenges Full Sail has given me, which has allowed me to grow as a teacher.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Leadership Project Blog Post 2

There are two conferences I am considering to formally present my AR project.  First is the Illinois Education and Technology Conference (IETC).  I would not be able to present this year because the application deadline was May 8th.  The second conference is the TIES conference in Minnesota.  I have attended this conference twice and have really enjoyed it.  The deadline is June 30th so this is a possibility for presenting December of 2011. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cherie Hellenbrand Week 3 Blog #4

I am happy to say my presentation to our staff about my AR project went really well.  Several of my co-workers comment how many of the projects they do in their classes will be an awesome addition for a student’s e-portfolio.

On Thursday I will be meeting with teachers from our neighboring Madison schools.  They are thinking about implementing an individual learning plan/e-portfolio and have asked me to present.  It has been really fun seeing how my AR project has really grown.  It is being implemented by our school and now the plan my reach other schools.

Because I have already done and continue to present to groups about my AR project, I have decided to do a presentation for my final project with Full Sail.